SB's World Today!
Live...  from Bailey, Colorado... or damn close to it.
Friday, February 9, 2001 Noon MST

According to my measurements...

It is evaporating already! Last night at about midnight, it said there was 13" in the same spot. There was just a dusting the other night, then 12" yesterday morning. It snowed all day yesterday and stopped about midnight.

I'm surprised that boughs were not breaking. Here's the Ponderosa pine out back.


To the North...

After a certain amount of snow, it just won't pile up on the railing and grill anymore. This is my usual way of telling how much snow we've had. Now I have to go measure it!



The Snow Archives
What it was like on:
September 28, 1999
March 12, 1999
April 2, 1999
April 15, 1999
April 22, 1999
April 23, 1999
April 30, 1999
September 28, 1999
October 19, 1999


Too much snow!
You KNOW it is deep if even Jaspy won't go out into it!

Jas the snow dog

I know it's been a while since I've updated this site, but I've been busy! We haven't had as much snow as we would like in the last two years, which led to big problems last year with forest fires. I'm wishing for five inches a day from now til mid-June so I won't have to worry about my well going dry or having to pack up all my irreplaceables to get them out of here.

Wish us luck this summer!
Email me!