SB's World Today!
Live...  from Bailey, Colorado... or damn close to it.
Thursday, May 5, 2001 10:00 am MDT

To the South...

Here's the view from my desk in the den where I work. (It was taken through a screen.) Who would have thought that it was so warm that I had the window wide open on Monday. Yes, this Monday!

To the East...

Am I glad that I didn't get the deck furniture out when I thought about it on Monday?


To the North...

YIPPEE!!! Here's a surprise snow! Just when I thought I'd have to wait til September to see any significant snow again. Jasper the Snowdog and I are happy to have a few inches. It takes 4" or more to qualify for a Snow Update. But the good news is that it is still snowing! Our Smokey the Bear sign had already been up to High this week, so it's good to have it back to Low. (It tells us what the chance of forest fire is... an important piece of information when you live right next to a National Forest and in such a dry place!)



The Snow Archives
What it was like on:
April 11, 2001
February 9, 2001

Other Snow Days:
March 12, 1999
April 2, 1999
April 15, 1999
April 22, 1999
April 23, 1999
April 30, 1999
September 28, 1999
October 19, 1999


Jas the snow dog

Spring snow is the best...
and unexpected spring snow is such a delight! The more we get, the better our chances are of making it through the summer without the tragedy of last summer, the Hi Meadows fire. I went up there (4 miles from here) for the first time about 6 weeks ago and what I saw made me sick literally. The landscape won't completely recover visibly in our lifetime.

Wish us luck this summer!
Email me!