
To the North... the view from the back deck.





See the little white dots on the left? They're SNOW! Left, yesterday afternoon when this started. Right, looking out the window today, the snow is coming down like the snowflakes on this screen do!

SB's World Today!
Live...  from Bailey, Colorado...
or damned close to it!

Tuesday, November 27, 2001
10 am MST


Left, snow-covered trees on the highway on the way up here from Denver yesterday. Going through the canyon, you think you are really in the forest now, but it hasn't even begun yet!

Right, the sun tries to peek through the clouds this morning.

The Snow Archives

What it was like on:

November 26, 2001 November 8, 2001
September 8, 2001
May 5, 2001
April 11, 2001
February 9, 2001
February 8, 2001

Jas the snow dog


Yesterday's Commentary

I don't really have much new to say today about snow, so look at yesterday's comments!

Email me! (Just one of my MANY email addresses.)

  This is your tree... and this is your tree on snow!






WOW! Lots of snow! I hadn't even sent out the update from yesterday, lazy creature that I am! This is just enough snow to enjoy and not enough to be a nuisance. Not to mention what it does for winter sports enthusiasts! Someone slid into my mailbox and crunched it thoroughly though. :( Anyone have an extra?